Optimisation means bringing work divisions together.

No area works on its own in plant engineering. Specialists need to work together to respond to all kinds of challenges. As such, the top priority on your process-optimisation task list should be to network the individual work divisions – and it’s easier than you might think.


Protracted troubleshooting a thing of the past.

Testing plants, systems and products before implementation or during usage is no problem at all with a digital twin. The key advantage of using digital models is thus the cost-saving minimisation of risks. When building a new power plant, it is simply impossible to create expensive prototypes – which is why the compulsory troubleshooting process at start-up can be replaced by systematic tests on the simulation. The modular structure enables operators to instantly utilise the added value offered by the digital twin. From the very first stage of implementation.

  • Shorter start-up process

  • Shorter development cycles

  • Compliance with final deadlines

  • Minimisation of damages

  • Avoidance of incidents and outages

  • Better co-operation during the planning phase

  • Quality assurance


Detailed and seamless.

What essentially distinguishes the digital twin is the seamless way in which process stages are interlinked, replicating detailed features of products, production, machinery and plants throughout the entire value chain. Integrated software systems facilitate uninterrupted exchanging of information, and shed clear light on current status and energy-consumption data. The result is ongoing optimisations, including of highly automated systems.


The sooner you start thinking about a digital twin, the better.

Engineering is becoming increasingly time-consuming, from analyses to planning to start-up. In other words: the handling of already complex systems is becoming more and more laborious as a result of retrofitting or configuration changes. This is where simulation models, which reproduce physical and control-technology behaviour, offer a genuine opportunity: initial modelling of the process to choose the right design, and ultimately to ensure uninterrupted optimisation of operational processes.


Ensuring real system operations in future are safe, reliable and profitable.

Our power-plant simulators for businesses in the energy industry enable you to operate a power plant before it’s even been built. As part of both new constructions and upgrade measures, behaviour in specific scenarios is tested, start-ups and shutdowns performed, and studies conducted to learn how to prevent incidents. You can train the specialised personnel in handling both routine and critical scenarios – at your leisure and without worrying about the availability of your future plant.